Tuesday 6.20.2017

We've got a lot of cool dads here at CFE. Cheers to you, Mr. Hassan, and the rest of you kick-ass fathers as well.

1. "Valhalla Bound"
AMRAP 18:00
400m Run
20 Push Ups
10 DB Snatches (50/35)

2. Snatch Grip Deadlift
4x4, heavy

3. Weighted Pull Ups
5-5-3-3-2-2-1-1, climbing

Friday 6.16.2017

Two days in a row, same dude? This picture was way too cool not to post. B-Dawg showing off for the crowd. 

1. "Jersey Devil"
AMRAP 18:00
100m Run
6 Deadlifts (275/185)
4 Muscle Ups

Grinder: not a max effort sprint

2. Supersets
Bench Press 5x5
Bent Over Rows 5x5

3. Core Work
Leg Lifts 3x12-15
Russian Twists 3x12-15
Plank 3x1:00

Tuesday 6.13.2017

That heat had me like...

1. "Mad Hatter"
10-15-20-15-10 for time:
Hang Power Cleans (135/95)
Pull Ups
Lateral Burpees

2. Split Jerk
5x2, climbing

3. Gymnastics Mashup
EMOM x 12
1. :10-:20 L-Hang (from pull up bar)
2. :20-:30 Ring Support
3. :30-:40 Handstand Hold (facing wall)


Tuesday 6.6.2017

Welcome to the Muscle Up Club, Mike Pickle-OHHHHH!

1. Power Clean & Push Jerk
8:00 to hit a solid TnG Triple

2. "Grace"
For time: 
30 Clean & Jerks (135/95)

3. Optional Conditioning
E3M x 4 Rounds:
12/10 Calorie AB
5 Back Squats (you choose the weight)

Monday 6.5.2017

Buncha goons doing goon things. 

1. "Front Nine"
AMRAP 18:00
18 Calorie Row
15 Box Jump Overs (24/20″)
12 Toes-to-Bar
9 DB Front Squats (50’s/35’s)

2. Supersets:
EMOM x 10
Odd: 3 Squat Cleans
Even: Max Reps Strict Pull Ups

3. Core
GHD Sit Ups
4x15, weighted

Tuesday 5.30.2017

Another legendary day at CFE. 

1. "Teen Wolf"
For time: 
Power Cleans (95/65)
Push Jerks (95/65)
50 Double Unders after each round

2. Core Work
Planks 3x1:00 (weighted if able)
Russian Twists 3x10-12
Back Extensions 3x15, slow and strict

3. Mobility Work

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